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Graduation day in Uppsala

From now on I'll try to write this blog in English. I hope you'll bare with me since English is not my first language and far from perfect.

Yesterday I went back to my study town Uppsala to attend my class graduation from the Master Program of Science in Pharmacy. Since I went to Malaysia for one year I'm not graduating with them, instead I graduate, hopefully, in January. I was so proud to see my friend's diploma work which they've spent the last semester researching on. Many of them will be published, how exciting isn't that!

The day started with poster exhibition, where almost all the graduates displayed their work through posters. Here's Lisa showing her work in toxicology.

Anna and Hanna. Hanna is, like me, graduating in January. She gave birth to the sweetest baby boy last summer and had a break for maternal leave of course. Nice to know there's someone left in Uppsala for next semester =).

My amazing Anna, who chose to present her work instead of displaying a poster. Her presentation was, how to put it? AWESOME. She gave the doctors a flip on the nose about prescribing!

The fabulous trio: Lisa, Hanna, Gabby before the diploma ceremony.

The gorgeous Anna.

I really like Uppsala, such a beautiful city. Here in front of the University "House" with the Uppsala Cathedral in the background.

Shima and Lisa with their diplomas. SO proud!

After the ceremony I joined Emelie and Lisa for a dinner at Koh Phangan. A really nice Thai restaurant with the most amazing decor. This place makes you believe you're actually in Thailand!

I had some Nha Yuan, I think? LOVE BBQ!

Ok, back to the decor. The whole place is decorated in bamboo and fluorescent paint.

Once per hour they turn off the lights and the thunder show comes on =)

Here's the toilet. The doors are all in bamboo and there's no light inside, well you don't need any, not with those colours on the walls!


Ok, vi har varit hemma i två veckor nu så det här inlägget blir bara ett statement att vi kom hem säkert. Jag har inte riktigt bestämt mig om jag ska fortsätta bloggen, den var ju trots allt till för att ni skulle följa oss i Malaysia som ett sätt för er att veta vad vi sysslade med och att vi mådde bra. Men samtidigt är det fler som uttryckt en önskan på en fortsättning här, så det blir väl lite fortsatt bloggande för en tid framöver, så länge någon läser vill säga. Sedan har vi nu alla de vänner vi lämnade kvar som nu vill ha koll på oss. Kanske borde jag börja på engelska? Ja, vi får se...